Saturday, 13 July 2013

Doing it the old fashioned way...

I have had some people ask what I have done to get where I am today. I have done the bootcamp workouts (and loved them) but I find that I am far more comfortable with a weightlifting program with cardio built in on certain days. For me, at this particular point in my journey, I do not need a 'crazy' workout where I am killing myself with ropes or tires or trying to do 1000 burpees in 4 seconds. (ok maybe that last one is an exaggeration)  Now, before I continue, let me stress that if this is your workout I TOTALLY RESPECT that!! Crossfitters, bootcampers - you all get a hats off from me. Anyone who is doing anything more than nothing gets a highfive just for doing something. And you can all no doubt kick my ass in the gym. I'm not here to say what is better or what you should be doing. I choose a weightlifting program (and basic at that - still in the beginners) because I can work at my own pace and take the time to focus on my form and track my progress. I learn to listen to my body and know when to scale back when my shoulder or back start bothering me (both things I need to be careful of so as to not re-injure)  Having said that I also need to step it up and challenge myself a little more. But that too I can do at my own pace - and everything I've done so far seems to be working..

I have done all of this so far without a trainer - which would be completely beneficial and I will be looking into finding a coach when I want to start competing, but it can be done on your own. I started out working out at home, with weights up to 10 lbs and a few bands. There are lots of workouts you can do from home if cost or free time is an issue. Google can be your best friend here...and you know I swear by When you're ready to move up to higher weights you can buy a set at a time or find something on kijiji or ebay (just make sure they are decent condition for your own safety) or you can invest in a TRX kit (a friend of mine found a first gen for 90 bucks on kijiji) which you can do ANYWHERE!!  And as far as the nutrition goes the internet is a wealth of information for clean eating recipes, grocery lists, tips, tricks and inspiration.

So if you look at me and say "I could never do that" I am here to assure you that you totally can. Find out what kind of workout works for you. Take some classes, try some different programs, although I do 100% endorse strength training with some cardio for leaning out and toning. And EAT CLEAN!! There is saying that abs are built in the kitchen and it's can crunch till the cows come home but stubborn belly fat (and thigh fat for that matter) won't budge if you're not eating properly.

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