Thursday, 4 July 2013

Another goal - part vanity/part charity...

Something you should know about me: I cannot give blood. This really bums me out because if I could give blood I would do it frequently (or as much as they let you anyways). Why should you know this? Well because if you ever really need it and you ask me and I say "no sorry I can't" it's nothing personal. Its genetics. It has also always sort of bummed me out that wig-makers for cancer patients would not take chemically treated hair. My hair has been chemically altered since my mom used to give us home perms when I was like...4...sad times. And no - I don't have any pictures handy. Its also been pretty much every colour imaginable over the last 20 years... I say "sort of" bummed me out because for the last million years I think  my hair has been short (maybe more like since highschool it just started getting shorter and shorter -I even shaved it at one point a few years back) so donating my hair for wigs was kind of moot. A 'well if they would accept my hair I would grow it out' kind of thing. But they wouldn't so I didn't.
I super loved my short hair but have been trying to grow it out for the last couple of years (yes - years...but then it gets awkward and then I'm like eff this cut it off). I'm not even sure why - once it gets long enough I either throw it back into a pony or up in a annoys the hell out of me when its down. But this time I am committed. To be honest I was committed before I had this brilliant idea but this will just make it worth it. Pretty long segue huh? Let's shorten it up a bit....I am going to grow my hair long enough to donate to a wig maker for kids/adults with cancer. I'm sure you saw that coming....but the best part is there is now a place in the states who will accept chemically treated hair!! Maybe there has been for a while but I have just heard about it. So sitting by the pool one day I made the decision and brought it up to Meaghan who was all for it. She is also growing her hair out for fun so for either of us its not really a sacrifice.
So sitting by the pool, talking to Meaghan about this we mention it to my mom and she's in too! Then she says we should tell my sister and my niece, aunts,cousins...and it sort of went from there. I'm not sure who is all in at this point, or what the final date will be (at least a year)  - my hair grows kind of slow and  this is where vanity sets in - I want to be able to cut it and it still be longish....But I am so happy to be able to do something more for the amazing folks fighting cancer. It's just hair. But for some people their hair is their crown...mine is just my easel and if something I can do as easily as grow some hair makes a child feel normal, or a woman feel beautiful about herself then why shouldn't I share that?! And maybe if one day they can fix my mutated blood cells then you can be darned sure I'll be donating that too!!
Check out Transitions Studio for natural, chemical free hair products and services and Wigs for Kids for ways to donate!

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