Tuesday, 9 April 2013

My Own Worst Critic

As I near the end of my first 12 week transformation challenge, I started wondering "what next?" What will I do as the next step on my journey to a better me?? I realize I work pretty well with challenges, a deadline, (and a chance to win some cash) so I entered the BSN Summer Shred Challenge on BBCom. I am currently finishing up the 10k Transformation challenge with them and it was a great motivator to get me started. One of the contest requirements is that you post before pictures of yourself at the beginning of the 12 contest weeks. I had fallen out of practice of posting progress pictures from the first challenge so this was a great chance for me to get caught up and see the changes from the beginning of the first challenge that I entered near the end of January.

I hesitated posting these pictures here...I mean they are horrible and I am still very self conscious about my body but this is my reality. This is the road I am on and I need to face my challenges and successes equally and head on. Posting them on a relatively anonymous site like BBCom is one thing...but this - where I essentially invite people to gawk at my imperfections and my middlefat...well its daunting. It took me looking at the pictures for a LONG time before I started noticing the little changes. I mean I can feel the changes in my clothes and I can see some definition in my arms when I do things like tie back my hair, but when I look in the mirror I am still seeing the fat, and the stretchmarks and the cottage cheese in my thighs and my butt...I am still seeing the overweight me. But I write this and share these thoughts not to cry 'woe is me' or to get any kind of praise or compliment, but to remind myself that what I see in the mirror today is not what I saw yesterday, and it won't be what I see tomorrow. If I stay on this journey, keep on my path and keep doing the work, those things I see and bemoan will eventually disappear. I didn't put the weight on overnight and it sure as heck won't come off overnight. And even when I was skinny I was never "fit". I may have made it through almost 12 weeks of work so far,  but I am far from done. These first 12 weeks?? This is just my introduction...my prelude to what will be an amazing story.
January 24 2013 vs. April 7 2013

So there you have it. I am baring (almost) all - this is my reality. "I'm not there yet but I am closer than I was yesterday"


  1. You look better than me! :) Good for you lady. I'd be stoked to have your after body. I don't see the stretch marks or cellulite.

  2. Oh man I'd be happy to share with you because believe me they are there!! lol But thank you and you CAN have the afterbody too!! :D

  3. GIRL, those are AMAZING results. That is a HUGE difference. I can't wait for another couple of months from now, or heck, a year from now, to see where you're at. You're on a tear girl!!! WOOP!
