Just recently, after posting my success in FINALLY hitting the 50 lb weight loss mark, I was asked to share how I've managed losing the weight. I figured this was probably the best place to do so. I do have to start by saying that you should always talk to your doctor first and let them know what your plan is and see if they think it is right for you. Sometimes even the best laid workout plans and food choices are hindered by medical issues so make sure you`re seeing your doctor regularly!! (not to mention regular dr visits assist in early detection of anything so it is always a good idea - not just if you`re trying to get fit) My doctor - an amazing lady - has been supportive and interested from the start and approves of my choices.
I have actually gone through 3 attempts at battling my weight. When I first realized that my numbers had BLOWN UP I was at a birthday party at my sisters house for one of her kids. I stepped on the scale and was honestly shocked at what I saw. I am a tallish girl - 5 foot 9 with a long torso so it hides the weight well. And it was so gradual (or so it seemed) that I never really noticed it in my face. I knew clothes weren`t fitting quite right but I wasn`t paying the proper attention to myself at the time.
Obviously unhappy with the weight gain I first off stopped snacking on junk food at night. I`ve never been a huge junk food junkie but I had enough to know it wasn`t the best for me. I switched up junkfood for `healthy` snacks - you know the kind...`100 calories a package`or `low-fat high flavour(read - salt)` snacks. Tostitos and salsa - well they`re sort of good for you - and the sour cream I would dollop in there was low fat or fat free so hey!! Works for me! I also started walking and bike riding. This is when I really started to enjoy hiking too - I had always sort of done it randomly but this is when it became a regular in my summer itinerary. On top of the walking and the biking I was watching my portions and would often choose chicken over beef (or veggie burgers if I thought to buy some) so instead of two burgers with all the fixin`s I would have one, with salsa as my only condiment. I cut out pop and went whole wheat bread products and opted for turkey subs no cheese over a combo at the food court in the mall where I worked. I drank water like a fiend. From these changes I had lost 30 lbs. But it was short lived.
Life happens, things change, new job, and a move came and I was on my own with the kids, doing the groceries and cooking for the three of us. I stopped paying attention to what I was doing and went for the quick fixes...easy dinners, processed, fast food, and of course - the beer. The weight came back and again so preoccupied with everything else BUT me and my health I didn`t really notice and the pounds didn`t just come back - they brought friends...
Weight attempt number 2: I touched on this in my first blog - after another job change - the Biggest Loser weight loss competition, the boot camp and eventually the gym. When I realized that the weight had returned I went back to what I knew with the portion control, and I also started logging what I was eating. I joined the website www.sparkpeople.com and for the first time I was accountable for what I was eating. The site (and there are others like it) have thousands of foods already posted in their database and if you can`t find something you can add it. They also create menus based on what you want to lose and what your calorie range should be. While I was tracking my exercise the program would notify me if I was eating enough to maintain the calories in vs out. It took a long time for the weight to start coming off, even though I was eating better and exercising on a regular basis. What I wasn`t getting was what I consider to be the missing link...Metabolism!! You need to eat more to lose more. It was great that I had finally started eating breakfast when I first woke up and not hours into the morning (or at all) but I needed to start eating the meals in between the meals. It was a hard adjustment to make...breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner...food food food....I still feel like I`m eating all the time but now I pay attention to what my body tells me and I know when I`ve missed a meal. I was introduced to the concept of Clean Eating at this time as well. It is exactly as it sounds - eating clean. No processed foods. Fruits and veggies, spices and healthy fats, nuts, grains...all the good stuff. I learned of this through the Oxygen Magazine. Great workouts and food ideas, full of tips and tidbits. And best of all, women from every age group from 20`s through to 50`s who have taken on the challenge of transforming their lives - women who you could read about and relate to and think `I can do this too!!` I also was introduced to www.bodybuilding.com where I found Jamie Eason`s LiveFit Program - a 12 week fitness program that would help me to tone up and lean out from what I had managed to lose up to that point. I will admit I was not good with the clean eating, and I managed almost 6 weeks of the LiveFit Program before Christmas came and I fell off the wagon. But if I look back now I can see that I was using this time to gain knowledge, arming myself with the basics to build the foundation for this - my third - and final attempt at my transformation.
Third time is a charm!! Again, I have touched on this in my previous blog so I won`t go into too much detail but I will summarize when I am all done here. This time I was inspired by a friend to join a transformation challenge on bbcom. I had been thinking for *months* that I needed something to light the fire under my butt and wondered where I had gotten the willpower from before. Well this challenge was what I needed to get started again. I had liked the LiveFit Program and wanted to restart that. I knew the nutrition portion (which Jamie Eason includes in the program) I feel like its when I was ready to quit smoking. I just knew it was time. I gave myself a deadline and I stuck to it and never looked back. This is just like that. I gave myself a deadline, and set my parameters about what I was comfortable doing and stuck to it. I cleaned up my eating, gave up processed sugars, and while I am on this program I am not drinking. Just over halfway through I am feeling great, seeing amazing results and I don`t miss any of the crap I was eating. I managed to lose the extra 10 lbs I had gained back over the last few months (when I stopped tracking my food and being active) and then some. My first goal has been met - but the lifelong goal of being a fit and healthy woman will never truly be over.
So, if you`re still with me, a brief synopsis of how I got to this point...
1. EDUCATE YOURSELF and surround yourself with like minded people who will support you in your goals and not bring you down. Read, go online, join support groups, get inspired.
2. MAKE TIME!!! If it means getting up earlier, staying up later, getting a babysitter for an hour or leaving the kids in the gym daycare, working out from home while the kids are doing their homework or whatever - there is always time to work out!! Lunch hours, breaks, whenever. When I can`t get to the gym I will workout at home or alternate my rest day to accommodate the program. But I`m always pre-planning. Which leads me to...
3. FAIL TO PLAN - PLAN TO FAIL!!! This was huge for me. Every week I try and plan my meals and use sundays for cooking for the week and doing any of my protein baking. I transfer the next days workout to my phone the day before so I know what I can expect and know what I`m walking into. I make grocery lists and stick to them!! This sounds like a lot of work but it actually helps me be more organized when I know what to expect and I`m not spending time worrying about what I need to make or buy or pack for lunch etc.
4. KICK START YOUR METABOLISM - getting this going will also kickstart the weightloss. Eat to lose. You should be eating 5-6 times a day and nothing 3 hours prior to bed time. I also recommend eating clean because its what makes the most sense to me. Processed foods and sugars wreak havoc on our systems. Having said that I know there are different food theories out there - research different options and do what is best for you.
5. BE ACCOUNTABLE - part of why I am always posting food pics or gym statuses is to be accountable. It reminds me that I have people out there supporting me. But being accountable also means tracking my food and my workouts EVERYDAY!! Which of course means making time - but if it means one less game of candy crush saga or logging meals on Walking Dead commercial breaks - so be it.
6. FIND A PROGRAM YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH and get the help you need to get you through it. On www.bodybuilding.com there are all sorts of different programs posted for all sorts of fitness levels, and I know there are tons of other sites out there. Get a trainer if you can to make sure your form is correct and don`t expect to walk into the gym on day 1 and hit everything hard. Even with the LiveFit program if I am not comfortable with a posted exercise I look for - and do - an alternate - but I don`t use that as an excuse to crap out on my workout...
7. STICK TO IT changes don`t happen overnight. It has taken me a very long time to get where I am and I know I still have far to go. But if you are true to your choices you will see a change (and if not - tweak things, see your doc make sure there isn`t an underlying condition, try another program just don`t give up!!!)
What I Eat: (sorry this is just copy and pasted from a post so it`s not edited)
breakfast is either a piece of ezekiel bread toasted with peanut butter
or sugar-free jam and half a grapefruit, or an egg-white omelet with
spinach and cheese and blackberries, or quick oats with unsweetened
applesauce and sugarfree jam for flavour with berries.
mid-morning i
will have 100 grams of plain greek yogurt with a tablespoon of sugar
free jam for flavour
lunch is some kind of protein (chicken, tuna,
salmon, pork whatever - and i usually precook for the week) with
carrots, half a sweet potato baked or left over veg from the night
before (i usually cook enough for dinner so i can have leftovers for
lunch) and half a grapefruit if i didn't have it in the morning...
afternoon is an apple and homemade protein bread if i managed to bake
dinner is a protein and 2 veg (usually steamed broccoli, asparagus
or brussels sprouts) or whole wheat pasta with diced tomatoes that i
spruce up for flavour.
for my tuna sandwiches i also switched out mayo for plain greek yogurt,
horseradish and dijon mustard - gives it a nice kick, and try to switch
out olive oil for coconut oil here possible. there are also a load of
eating clean websites but google tosca reno - she breaks it down super
easy and i often refer to her eating clean grocery list. and she has
lots of simple switches and recipes.
Good Luck!!
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