Sunday, 1 December 2013

Lose Weight AND Enjoy The Holidays!??! The December Holiday Challenge

I know - you're thinking I must be crazy right? Well *I* think it can be done. Why wait until January 1st (or come on lets face it - the 2nd or 3rd by the time you get around to it- or the 27th in my case) to get in shape? Why make it a New Years Resolution? I never make New Years Resolutions...why? Because I never stick to them and they're expected of you...everyone makes them! Break the mould and get the jump on a few pounds BEFORE January 1st! If you're already on the path to a healthier you then come January you won't need the added pressure of a New Years Resolution hanging over your head. This is how I propose you do it (and still enjoy the Holidays!)

Let's start with the food. I know the holidays revolve around food and parties and drinks and food and drinks and food and...well you get the picture. So yes you are going to be faced with endless amounts of tasty treats. The thing is, you won't be at a party or event every single day. So when you are at home, at work - essentially any time you are not at a holiday function - eat smart. Eat clean. Make sure you start every day with a healthy breakfast within an hour of waking. If you are not a breakfast person I highly suggest you become one as breaking the fast in the morning kickstarts your metabolism and gets you going for the day. If you don't have breakfast your body is still in "starvation mode" and essentially storing fat cells for survival. If you don't have time to make your breakfast and sit down and eat in the morning try making something the night before (like a mug of overnight oats),  a warm dish of slow cooker oatmeal, or a pre-prepped breakfast smoothie. You can also make these egg muffins ahead of time and keep in the fridge for up to a week or you can freeze them and thaw overnight. There are lots of clean, healthy and TASTY options for those of you who are short on time in the mornings. By now you should know how I feel about prepping your food for the week, so make sure you are thinking ahead and making yourself small meals to stay on track for day of the week. By keeping up with a regimented eating schedule (every 2-3 hours) you will be less likely to go for the snack machine or over-indulge if those Christmas treats make their way into the workplace.   Last week we were treated to a delicious lunch at work, but I still brought my own and ate that first before I even entered the luncheon. I was still able to sit and enjoy some of the offerings with my coworkers knowing that I was staying on track.  One thing I don't suggest is not eating all day because you know you are going to a function that night where you know there will be a ton of food or a big dinner. Again - it comes down to your metabolism - and if you keep the motor running it will help to burn off those extra calories more efficiently. And make sure you are drinking lots of water. Keep up with it all day. Set a reminder on your phone or computer if you're not in the habit.

If I know I am going to a big dinner, I always try to have a protein shake, or some greek yogurt,  before I leave. This way I won't be as tempted to fill up on bread or appetizers before the main meal is served. I make sure I take advantage of the salad course and scale back on the higher calorie sides. At parties, go for the veggie and fruit trays before the sugary, gooey, creamy, fluffy, chocolatey, melty treats.  Notice I said "before" the treats. You have eaten clean all week, you have made smart food decisions, you have planned diligently and prepped all your food, you have been committed to your weekly workout (see below) you have ultimately primed your body to effectively deal with a few extra calories. So have that gingerbread cookie, or a couple nanaimo bars, or that slice of fruit cake (I know - there is a stigma against it but my inlaws make *amazing* fruitcake). Indulge the craving but don't overdo it. I have noticed that since I started eating clean whole foods taste so much better than the processed ones and this is particularly true with sugary treats. I should also state that once you start eating clean the body reacts differently when you reintroduce greasy fatty foods - I always think "do I want to enjoy my evening or suffer the belly pain and bloating (or spend my night in the bathroom)" and this helps stay on track too. This is typically a lesson everyone needs to experience on their own but without fail every person I have talked to who has started eating clean has regaled me with a story about regretting that slice of pizza or the side of fries because of how their body reacted afterwards.

Ok so for the booze....unless you're planning on cutting out all together this is kind of a hard one. If you have been eating clean all week that also means that you have stayed away from the alcohol (yep its a clean eating no-no) so you may choose to have a few holiday cocktails but there are things you can do to lessen the caloric footprint (did I just coin a phrase? Probably not) If you are a white wine drinker - try a spritzer (half wine half club soda). If you are a red wine drinker, sorry - I got nothin'. I suppose you could try a spritzer but ew - I think reds are too full-bodied to be watered down. Stay away from the wine and vodka coolers, and the creamy mudslides etc. They are loaded with sugar. If beer is your thing, low carb/low cal beers are available. If you like hard liquor try on the rocks, neat or with club soda. Diet sodas are just as bad for you as regular soda and actually transport the alcohol to your blood stream faster so I would stay away from those altogether. Alternate between water and your alcoholic beverage (so you're drinking less alcohol, and lessening the effects of dehydration and thusly the effects of a hangover the next morning) Most importantly, if you choose to drink, please do not drive! Have a designated driver, or make sure you have cab fare handy. 

The last part of the equation is the exercise. Here are 50 body weight exercises you can do at home so you don't need to join a gym. This site has them broken down to full body (which I would suggest doing 3 times a week i.e mon/wed/fri) and by body part which I would split into 5-6 times a week (arms one day, legs the next, back, chest,abs etc). Choose 4-5 of the exercises and do 8-15 reps of each in 3-4 sets. This will be a pretty decent workout. On your off days from the full body workout, or your off days and the ab day for the split, do 20-45 minutes of active rest (a walk, hike, some yoga, dancing in the kitchen, sledding or ice skating with the kids - whatever keeps you moving).

Between the clean eating and the exercise, you are setting up a great foundation to be able to battle the holiday bulge, and get ahead on making 2014 your healthiest and fittest year yet! If you stay committed through the week, and make smart eating decisions, the parties and holiday festivities should not derail your efforts and you can avoid the holiday weight gain!  So faithful readers - this is your December Challenge. I put it to you to meet it head on and wish you not only the best in this, but the Happiest of Holidays and the Merriest of Christmases.

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