Saturday, 24 August 2013

A Real Test

In a few days I will be off on one of the biggest tests I have ever endured in my adult life...the family vacation. I am excited yet ridiculously nervous, for a few reasons, which I will share because I consider it a part of my journey towards a better me and thusly willing to open up to all of you who are following said journey.
      Number one - this will be the furthest I have ever been from my parents outside of my comfort zone in forever. They have gone away, but I have been home amongst my things, my other people and my/their home.
      Number two - its just the kids and I...I've taken them camping just the three of us but again - something I am familiar with and never far enough away from my comfort zone that I ever worried about anything. My kids are great and I am really not anticipating any issues, and we are familiar with the area that we are going to but it is still very foreign to me in the sense that I will have to have my big girl panties on at all times, and be the adult...not the adult-child travelling with mom and dad. I have never done anything like this where I couldn't just call them up and get some advice/help/a ride etc - make sense? Even when I've been a 2-3 day paddle from real civilization I've had someone more experienced with me to rely on. This time its just me, sucking up every ounce of fear I may have and going for it. (I know when I get back I'll say wow that was a piece of cake what was I afraid of blah blah blah...but right now, I want to pee  my pants a little..)
      Number three is that it will really test my goals of eating clean and keeping fit. As you know - I've been following a new 12 week program, and luckily said program has a really flexible schedule in that Gethin has a lot of rest days built in to it - in the last couple of weeks I have condensed the training days so that while we are away I will not miss anything, and come back to where I would be had I followed the schedule as writ. I plan to focus more on my 5k training while away because the hotel doesn't have a decent gym, but I can run anywhere - at any time.  (annnd I really need to get my butt in gear for the run or dye in September) I haven't taken this much time off from the gym since I started back in January but I am almost confident that not only will the rest do me some good, it will also help sharpen my focus when I get back.
      The other side to this as well is the nutrition portion. Because we are on a budget we will not be eating out for every meal, and will be buying a lot of our own groceries and doing some cooking so for that I am thankful. I can control what I eat, I have already scoped out some menus from restaurants around our hotel and  am fairly confident that between all the ocean time, walking and running that will be done I should be able to  maintain my progress and not have to worry about coming back to work off 5 lbs of vacation. I have zero intention of letting my training slide, and staying committed to my new lifestyle - but I tell's daunting having been so on it for the last 7 months.
      So - while I am incredibly excited to spend a week by the ocean, soaking up the rays, playing in the waves and having my need for visually stimulating eyecandy met thoroughly by the lifeguards who patrol the beach, I am scared to freakin' death of doing it on my own AND as a cleaneater/fitchick newbie. But hey - the good stuff happens outside of your comfort zone right?!


  1. You'll be just fine. I felt the same way when I took my kids to Florida for a week just me and them. But it was great, and I was great and they were great.

    Have a safe and wonderful trip with your children. These are the best of times.

  2. Trepidations are valid, but you'll soon see that your comfort zone can expand and enlarge itself as much as you want. Someone once mentioned 'widening your circumference of chance' in regards to travel. A lot of wonderful and random things can occur. Let both the discomfort and pleasure fill you up. I assume you're going to Myrtle Beach, so enjoy and embrace the familiar and uncertain you'll encounter each day.

    Scott S.
