Saturday, 24 August 2013

A Real Test

In a few days I will be off on one of the biggest tests I have ever endured in my adult life...the family vacation. I am excited yet ridiculously nervous, for a few reasons, which I will share because I consider it a part of my journey towards a better me and thusly willing to open up to all of you who are following said journey.
      Number one - this will be the furthest I have ever been from my parents outside of my comfort zone in forever. They have gone away, but I have been home amongst my things, my other people and my/their home.
      Number two - its just the kids and I...I've taken them camping just the three of us but again - something I am familiar with and never far enough away from my comfort zone that I ever worried about anything. My kids are great and I am really not anticipating any issues, and we are familiar with the area that we are going to but it is still very foreign to me in the sense that I will have to have my big girl panties on at all times, and be the adult...not the adult-child travelling with mom and dad. I have never done anything like this where I couldn't just call them up and get some advice/help/a ride etc - make sense? Even when I've been a 2-3 day paddle from real civilization I've had someone more experienced with me to rely on. This time its just me, sucking up every ounce of fear I may have and going for it. (I know when I get back I'll say wow that was a piece of cake what was I afraid of blah blah blah...but right now, I want to pee  my pants a little..)
      Number three is that it will really test my goals of eating clean and keeping fit. As you know - I've been following a new 12 week program, and luckily said program has a really flexible schedule in that Gethin has a lot of rest days built in to it - in the last couple of weeks I have condensed the training days so that while we are away I will not miss anything, and come back to where I would be had I followed the schedule as writ. I plan to focus more on my 5k training while away because the hotel doesn't have a decent gym, but I can run anywhere - at any time.  (annnd I really need to get my butt in gear for the run or dye in September) I haven't taken this much time off from the gym since I started back in January but I am almost confident that not only will the rest do me some good, it will also help sharpen my focus when I get back.
      The other side to this as well is the nutrition portion. Because we are on a budget we will not be eating out for every meal, and will be buying a lot of our own groceries and doing some cooking so for that I am thankful. I can control what I eat, I have already scoped out some menus from restaurants around our hotel and  am fairly confident that between all the ocean time, walking and running that will be done I should be able to  maintain my progress and not have to worry about coming back to work off 5 lbs of vacation. I have zero intention of letting my training slide, and staying committed to my new lifestyle - but I tell's daunting having been so on it for the last 7 months.
      So - while I am incredibly excited to spend a week by the ocean, soaking up the rays, playing in the waves and having my need for visually stimulating eyecandy met thoroughly by the lifeguards who patrol the beach, I am scared to freakin' death of doing it on my own AND as a cleaneater/fitchick newbie. But hey - the good stuff happens outside of your comfort zone right?!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Clean Eating ... and stuff...

This actually kind of works a little in that Saturday will be pretty busy for me so I can sneak a blog in early AND answer all your questions at the same time. Anything I don't quite answer for you please feel free to shoot me a message and I would be happy to elaborate or help out in any way possible. Seriously. I love this stuff. Obsessed.

So what is clean eating...basically its eating natural REAL whole food. Nothing processed, refined, messed with, mucked up or otherwise garbage. Tosca Reno, the Eat Clean Queen defines it as "a lifestyle approach of exercise and a diet plan of unprocessed, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and void of artificial ingredients, preservatives, "chemically charged foods," sugars, saturated fat, and trans fat." If you can't pronounce an ingredient on a label you probably shouldn't eat it. And nothing should have more than a few ingredients. Organic is super, but it is becoming such a generalized "marketable" term, so be wary. Alcohol has sugar in it too so that's out too...FYI. No sodas, fruit juices - unless you're juicing your own...the good news is you can substitute a lot of this stuff and it may taste funny at first but as your body get accustomed to real, whole, natural foods you will start to see what you've been missing, and how crappy the crap actually is! And while I don't prescribe to the cheat meal, you can incorporate it into your week as long as its just a meal (not a full day!) and you get back to it. But fair word of warning, once you're used to the good stuff the bad stuff makes you feel HORRIBLE!!!

 The program (I hate to call it a diet because it really isn't - its changing the way you look at food and your body) focuses on eating 5-6 small meals a day, incorporating lean proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats at every meal which keeps the metabolism revved up and blood sugars steady which reduces the cravings, sugar crashes and binging.  One of the reasons why nutrition is so much more important than exercise (80-20) is that you can work your ass off in the gym but if you're feeding your body a bunch of garbage and you have a sluggish metabolism the fat isn't going to come from the right places. And it wasn't until I started eating clean (I'd say I'm roughly 90% clean depending on how hardcore you want to look at it) that i started seeing the results and I crushed the plateau I had been holding on to for months. 40 lbs in 2.5 years or 30 in 6 months ... you choose.

You know I love and they have an article about clean eating here that you can take a look at - with some principles laid out if you wanted to take a look. You can also check out some more of the principles here  - sort of a little simpler. I could regurgitate it all for you but they have pictures and its glossy and fun.

There really isn't anything special you need to do to eat clean - aside from maybe clear out your pantry and your fridge and re-stock. No special tricks for cooking - I couldn't cook very well before all this but everything just seems to work when you're dealing with just a few simple ingredients - some simple swaps and some openmindedness. Also, pre-prepare your food! I set aside some time usually on sundays before the work week or while I am making dinner to get a few extra meals made that I can pack and bring to work. I will make extra for myself when cooking dinner and some things are just so quick and easy! Cost wise I find that it actually works out a little better than eating staples can be purchased in bulk which means really I am just stocking up on fruits and veggies, my almond milk, protein and greek yogurt each week. Also if you're batch cooking you save yourself money that way too.

So basically, you can lose weight, have healthy hair, skin and nails, improved overall health, AND save some cash?! this keeps getting better.

So what do I eat? My staples are almond butter, greek yogurt, sugar free jam, quick cooking oats, tuna, avocado, fresh veg for salads, sweet potato, lemon/citrus for water (we keep a pitcher going in the fridge) broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprouts, and chicken chicken chicken. I have flax seed on hand, honey and organic maple syrup for sweeteners, unsweetened applesauce for baking and protein powder. A typical workout day looks like this:
530-600 - Pre-workout: banana
700 - Postworkout: protein shake, 1/3 cups egg whites scrambled, 1/3 quick oats cooked, mixed with 1.5 tsp sugar free jam and blueberries
1000 - rice cake with greekyogurt/sugar free jam spread or almond butter (1tbs)
1200 - 3-4 oz chicken (i get the fillets and bake them with coconut oil or olive oil, garlic salt and basil) 1 cup broccoli or asparagus and either a salad, 1/2 baked sweet potato, red pepper slices or some other veg. like carrots but they started hurting my tummy. 1/2 grapefruit and a protein ball (google angi greene's good)
1500 (or 3pm - sorry i work in military time) - 100 grams plain greek yogurt with sugar free raspberry jam and another protein ball
1800/6pm 3-5 oz is a pretty close repeat to lunch. protein, a few veg, salad whatever.

I can hit anywhere between 1400 and 1700 calories a day which is in line with my bodyfat goal (not weight goal....bodyfat...)

Sometimes i will have a protein shake near the end of the night or as a delayed "dessert" and once in a while I will indulge in a Rivi's Gluten/guilt free cookie after dinner (which I just remembered I have - but now its too late ... boooo...) or a spoon of peanut butter right before bed. Peanut butter is a slow burning protein so it helps keep your metabolism going through the night and you wake up less hungry - at least I do. If I am not working out in the morning I will have a slice of ezekiel bread toasted with almond butter and blueberries on top. And on weekends I will usually cookup some protein pancakes (super easy)

Here is a grocery list to get you started with your clean eating. There are lots of simple recipes out there - and a lot of very involved ones as well if you're more cook-y than I are a few to get you started:
Tomato Sauce - I add ground chicken or turkey and eat with whole wheat pasta
green beans and pecans with maple vinaigrette - i swear by this dressing and use it almost every day - also makes an amazing marinade for chicken
sweet potato and chicken hash
Blueberry protein pancakes - this is the extended recipe - I usually just use oats, eggwhites protein powder and blueberries - both are delicious
Dijon Cod and Asparagus

So there you have it. Clean Eating 101. Sort of ... at least some tools to get you not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any additional questions or comments...or if there is anything else I can help you with. I didn't get to where I am on my own and I never get tired of this... :)

Sunday, 11 August 2013

short n sweet

I'm a day late on the Saturday A.M. blog but I had some sleeping in that needed to happen and that sort of threw my day off...then I was going to do it last night but went out which resulted in more sleeping in and then I had some gym and pool time to make up for so here we are Sunday evening...better late than never.

I am entering week 3 of the new program - Kris Gethins 12 week transformation over on bbcom and I am really enjoying it. I am sticking with my own nutrition plan (clean eating - which I do need to clean up a little more but I am working on it) but following his strength program pretty closely. Some things I need to use alternates but for the most part I am doing pretty well. It is really enjoyable and he is always switching things up. Far more interesting than the last program I was doing. The best part about it though is I am learning what I am capable with in regards to weight. I have pushed myself further and realized that I have been selling myself short which in turn is keeping me motivated and pumped to get into the gym every day. ok maybe I'm still having a hard time getting out of bed but once I finally get there its all hard work!

This is a short one this week - I did want to do a post on customer service, and how important it is to support one another on our fitness journey, but the words just weren't coming out the way I wanted them to - and Dexter is coming on shortly. But I am keeping good on my word that I would post at least once a week. So there.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

The Mirror Lies

There is something that many people don't talk about (or at least not that I have seen much of) when discussing weight loss and transformation. It is something that I have been thinking about for the past week or so after getting another "you're too skinny - stop losing weight" comment. Now, I've had a lot of that over the last couple of months not to mention the countless "how much more are you trying to lose" "eat something" and even one "anorexic" comments. Luckily those closest to me know that this isn't about weight loss anymore. I have reiterated that countless times but some people actually get it. Or at least don't hassle me about the weight. And I know that it may be a bit of a shock for some people who haven't seen me in a while. I haven't looked like this in 17 years (and when I was this weight 17 years ago it wasn't healthy - this time it is, wish I had pictures to compare the two) so most of the time I can shake off the comments and know that I eat enough, its 95% clean, I'm putting only healthy things into my body and getting good results in return, and I'm working hard to get the desired physique I am after. On the flip side I saw someone last night that I hadn't seen in a really long time and right off the bat the comment was "wow you look amazing, are you working out every day?" and I took pride in that.

Why these comments get to me though are because when I look into the mirror, I see something completely different even though I know I do all the right things - When I look in the mirror I can see the muscle definition coming out, the abs starting to pop, my arms and shoulders taking on a nice shape and lets face it - my butt looks pretty ok too...but then I see the stretch marks. The scars from my breast reduction. The saggy skin around my belly. I still see the fat girl. This is something that I need to get past. This is one of those things that no matter how clean you eat, or what you do in the gym, or what you hear from other people your own image can be a mental hurdle. This isn't applicable just to those of us transforming either - but making such a drastic change is hard when your head doesn't catch up with the rest of the body.

I am learning - slowly - to change my way of thinking but it is not easy. I have never been good at the self confidence thing. I know that the journey will never really be over and that I have to take every triumph as it comes - and maybe one day I will be able to see the fit over the fat. Today won't be that day but like everything else hard work and dedication will get me there...eventually ...